Hebrews by Scott Risley (2015)

Sex and Marriage

Photo of Scott Risley
Scott Risley

Hebrews 13:4


We learn about God's design for sex and marriage, and why His design is superior to the world's views of sex and marriage. According to our culture, sex is a chemical reaction that gives humans the urge to mate?simply a bodily function that means nothing. Under this perspective, sex is a means for expressing ourselves and is an unpredictable feeling; there is no basis for morality. And thinking this way has only served to create emptiness, loneliness, disease, lower sexual satisfaction, the inability to form healthy families, and damaged children. God places great value and honor on sex; He says marriage is the only safe place for something as powerful as sex. In the marriage context, sex enhances unity, which, in turn, allows for pleasure, procreation (provides a safe place for children to be born and raised), and the ability to resist the temptation of infidelity.


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